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From the Bookshelves

December 5, 2011 Sandra Anderson

Discover what’s new in the library

The ATA library is a fantastic place full of surprising books, fascinating articles and links to awesome websites. Explore the library by visiting the ATA website at and navigating through For Members, Programs and Services, ATA Library.  You’ll be amazed at the treasures waiting for you.


How to Handle Hard-to-Handle Parents
Maryln Applebaum. 2009. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin. (371.192 A646 2009)
This is one book all teachers should read early in their careers. The guide helps teachers establish good relationships with parents, recognize characteristics of difficult people, diffuse tension and conduct congenial parent conferences.

Simply Better: Doing What Matters Most to Change the Odds for Student Success
Bryan Goodwin. 2011. Alexandria, Va.: ASCD. (371.207 G656 2011)
Goodwin argues that we know what works for schools; we just need to focus on getting it done. He points out five proven methods to improve student achievement and discusses how to turn that knowledge into results.

Digital and Media Literacy: Connecting Culture and Classroom
Renee Hobbs. 2011. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin. (302.23 H682 2011)
Although students spend much of their waking lives interacting with digital media, most of them do not know how to analyze a TV show or a website. Hobbs provides ideas for teachers to get students thinking critically about digital information in every subject and to make the most of teachable moments in discussions about popular culture.

Secrets to Success for Science Teachers
Ellen Kottler and Victoria Brookhart Costa. 2009. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin. (372.35 K87 2009)
This easy-to-read book is filled with practical ideas for teaching science from setting up the classroom to using inquiry-based science to enrich learning with powerful projects. Kottler and Costa’s book is useful for new and seasoned science teachers.

Kid’s Eye View of Science: A Conceptual, Integrated Approach to Teaching Science K–6
Susan J. Kovalik and Karen D. Olsen. 2010. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin. (372.35 K88 2010)
The authors, showing science through the lens of big ideas like change, interdependence and adaptation, offer guidance to teachers in developing lessons for a range of science concepts. 

Empower English Language Learners with Tools from the Web
Lori Langer de Ramirez. 2010. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin. (428.24 L276 2010)
Web tools can enhance student learning in the classroom and assist students to learn English outside school. The author discusses blogging, wikis, podcasting and media creation to help engage students in language acquisition.

Leadership as Lunacy: And Other Metaphors for Educational Leadership
Jacky Lumby and Fenwick W. English. 2010. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin. (371.2 L957 2010)
Using provocative metaphors such as “leadership as lunacy,” “leadership as war” and “leadership as theatre,” the authors explore the development of educational leadership and how the metaphors we construct in our minds limit our ideas of effective leadership.

Getting Beyond Bullying and Exclusion Pre-K–5: Empowering Children in Inclusive Classrooms
Ronald Mah. 2009. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin. (371.782 M214 2009)
Mah focuses on children with physical and learning disabilities as potential victims and perpetrators of bullying in schools. He suggests ways that teachers can prevent and intervene when bullying behaviour occurs and provides strategies for teachers to use with parents.

Action Research: Improving Schools and Empowering Educators
Craig A. Mertler. 2012. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage. (370.7 M575 2012)
Yes, the ATA Library did receive a book with a copyright date of 2012. Mertler provides an overview and a step-by-step guide to action research. This is a great resource for anyone new to the field of action research.

Homelessness Comes to School
Joseph Murphy and Kerri Tobin. 2011. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin. (370.826942 M978 2011)
The fastest growing homeless population in the U.S. is children and children living without adults in their lives. Murphy and Tobin examine the problem and suggest interventions to assist these students.

Teaching Numeracy: 9 Critical Habits to Ignite Mathematical Critical Thinking
Margie Pearse and K.M. Walton. 2011. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin. (9510.71 P361 2011)
Some students experience difficulty understanding basic numeracy—the numerical techniques and processes of mathematics. Pearse and Walton provide teachers with a guide to teaching students how to grasp numeracy and experience success in math. 

The Action Research Guidebook: A Four-Stage Process for Educators and School Teams
Richard Sagor. 2011. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press. (370.7 S129 2011)
Sagor presents a four-stage process for developing action research plans: clarifying visions, articulating theory, implementing action and collecting data, and analyzing data and planning for future action.

The Exceptional Teacher’s Handbook: The First-Year Special Teacher’s Guide to Success
Carla F. Shelton and Alice B. Pollingue. 2009. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin. (371.9 S545 2009)
This book provides information on everything a new special education teacher needs to know when starting his or her first year of teaching. Topics include organizing the classroom, creating planning documents and working with paraprofessionals.

Making Great Kids Greater: Easing the Burden of Being Gifted
Dorothy A. Sisk. 2009. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin. (371.95 622 2009)
Despite their intellectual strengths, many gifted students take longer than other children to mature emotionally or socially, which leaves them feeling isolated. This book offers teachers a look into the world of the gifted child and suggests how to support these children in more than just their intellectual learning.

Teaching by Design in Elementary Education: Grades 2–3
Jennifer Stepanek, et al. 2011. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin. (372.7 T253 2011)
This professional development guide for teachers explores how students learn and supports teachers in gaining a deeper understanding of important mathematical concepts. 

Proactive School Security and Emergency Preparedness Planning
Kenneth S. Trump. 2011. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin. (371.7 T871 2011)
Although written from an American perspective, this book provides good information on bullying and suggests how to create an emergency preparedness plan for schools. Low-cost and no-cost safety measures are also featured. 

Everything but Teaching: Planning, Paperwork, and Processing
Stephen J. Valentine, 2009. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin. (371.1 V159 2009)
This book, designed for quick reading, covers the nonteaching side of teaching. Valentine discusses topics such as managing time, chairing meetings, adjusting grading practices and corresponding with speed and tact. 

Social-Emotional Curriculum with Gifted and Talented Students
Joyce L. VanTassel-Baska, et. al (eds). 2009. Waco, Tex. National Association for Gifted Children. (371.953 282 2009)
This book offers teachers advice on the social and emotional needs of gifted children, strategies for meeting those needs, suggestions about counselling gifted students and suicide prevention for these students.


Physics in Action
2010. Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production.
DVDs run between 24 and 33 minutes each.
This five-part series demonstrates methods for making physics fun. It presents laws of physics through real-world examples and useful animations. Physics topics include energy, forces and motion, planets, stars and galaxies, processes that shape the Earth and the nature of matter.

How to Assess Authentic Learning, 5th edition
Kay Burke. 2011. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin.
Multimedia kit. 69 minutes.
Burke provides teachers with strategies for developing unit plans using differentiated instruction and assessment strategies, developing response to intervention checklists, designing performance tasks for engagement and creating tests that evaluate higher-order thinking skills.

The Finland Phenomenon: Inside the World's Most Surprising School System
Robert A. Compton, 2011. Washington, DC: True South Studios.
62 minutes.
This DVD examines how Finland’s education system delivers consistently high-quality education.

Bullying Behaviour in Boys and What to Do about It
Bob Ditter. 2011. Toronto, Ont.: Kinetic Video.
30 minutes.
This DVD explores bullying behaviour in boys and discusses how to recognize and respond to it effectively.

Relational Aggression in Girls: Bullying Behaviour and What to Do about It
Bob Ditter. 2011. Toronto, Ont.: Kinetic Video.
37 minutes.
Relational aggression in girls is often unrecognized by adults. Ditter discusses this complex behaviour and how to identify it. He also presents strategies for responding to this behaviour in effective ways.  

Shouting Won’t Grow Dendrites: 20 Techniques for Managing a Brain-Compatible Classroom
Marcia L. Tate, 2009. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin.
Multimedia kit. 70 minutes. 
Tate demonstrates how teachers can develop a positive learning environment by using a classroom management plan, delivering brain-compatible instruction and responding effectively to chronic behaviour problems. She also discusses how teachers can use constructive classroom conversations, establish classroom ritual and use humour in the classroom.

10 Best Teaching Practices: How Brain Research and Learning Styles Define Teaching Competencies, 3rd edition
Donna Walker Tileston. 2011. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin.
Multimedia kit. 68 minutes. 
Tileston discusses the newest brain research and applies it to the hottest topics in education: formative assessment, technology integration, differentiating instruction, diversity and creating collaborative learning environments.

French Books/Livres en français

Guide pratique du e-learning : stratégie, pédagogie et conception avec le logiciel Moodle
Sid Ahmed Benraouane. 2011. Paris : Dunod (371.3344678 B473 2011)
L’intégration des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (NTIC) dans l’enseignement et la formation professionnelle est au cœur de la réforme des systèmes éducatifs. Enrichi de références aux dernières évolutions en France et aux États-Unis, cet ouvrage souligne l’importance des réseaux sociaux et l’impact du e-learning. Formateurs, enseignants, responsables HR et consultants trouveront dans ce guide des outils pour maitriser la pédagogie et les techniques de la formation en ligne.

Enseigner avec succès : 20 erreurs à éviter pour devenir un enseignant efficace
Elizabeth Breaux. 2011. Montréal, QC : Chenelière Éducation (371.1023 B828 2011)
Cet ouvrage déborde d’outils aussi bien pour l’enseignant débutant que pour l’enseignant chevronné qui désire gérer sa classe avec efficacité, diminuer son stress, créer un environnement calme et structuré, rejoindre chaque élève, cesser de remettre continuellement en question ses actions et réactions, et être un facteur déterminant dans la réussite des élèves.

Stratégies de lecture de textes courants
Adrienne Gear. 2011. Montréal, QC : Modulo (372.41 G292 2011)
Les enseignants trouveront dans cet ouvrage des leçons et des idées pour enseigner cinq stratégies cognitives et métacognitives tout en soutenant les élèves dans leur compréhension des textes courants. Il s’agit d’un ouvrage qui s’adresse autant aux nouveaux enseignants qu’aux enseignants expérimentés.

40 projets de maths : pour découvrir les mathématiques dans la vie de tous les jours
Judith A. Muschla et Gary Robert Muschla. 2011. Montréal, QC : Chenelière Éducation (372.7 M985 2011)
Les projets présentés dans cet ouvrage aideront les élèves à développer leur esprit critique et à appliquer leurs compétences en mathématiques à des situations quotidiennes. Chaque projet comprend des instructions pour l’enseignant, les objectifs du projet, un guide pour l’élève et du matériel reproductible. Ils peuvent être menés avec des élèves de plusieurs niveaux scolaires ou d’aptitudes diverses.

L’enseignement par petits groupes : favoriser l’apprentissage de tous les élèves en littératie
Debbie Diller. 2011. Montréal, QC : Chenelière Éducation (371.395 D578 2011)
Divisé selon les cinq éléments essentiels de la lecture, à savoir la compréhension, la fluidité, la conscience phonologique, la correspondance graphème-phonème et le vocabulaire, cet ouvrage comprend des conseils pratiques, des exemples de leçons, de plans et de modèles, des suggestions d’activités connexes à effectuer dans les centres de littératie, de même que des propositions de transfert d’apprentissage vers l’enseignement en grand groupe.

Rendre la suppléance plus agréable… pour l’enseignant et le suppléant
Yasmine Félix. 2011. Québec, QC : Presses de l’Université du Québec (371.14122 F316 2011)
Quels sont les meilleurs moyens de rendre la suppléance agréable, pour qu’élèves et enseignants passent de bonnes journées? Y a-t-il des difficultés que nous pouvons éviter lors de la suppléance, en tant que suppléant ou en tant que titulaire? Ce guide tente de répondre à ces questions dans le but de rendre la suppléance plus agréable pour ses acteurs.

Complices dans la réussite : pour une collaboration efficace avec les parents
Camil Sanfaçon. 2011. Montréal, QC : Chenelière Éducation (371.192 S224 2011)
Démontrer une capacité d’accueil, comprendre comment l’autre vit une difficulté, manifester de l’empathie, posséder des connaissances en résolution de problèmes et exercer une relation d’aide sont des habiletés essentielles à développer pour les enseignants. Cet ouvrage propose donc différentes façons d’intervenir, des attitudes gagnantes et des conseils pour des rencontres parents-enseignants réussies tout au long de l’année.

L’élève contre l’école : scolariser les « a-scolaires »
Jean-Marc Louis et Fabienne Ramond. 2010. Paris : Dunod (371.9046 L888 2010)
L’élève contre l’école est celui qui possède la capacité de vivre pleinement sa scolarité mais choisit de confronter l’école et de la questionner. Le présent ouvrage entend clarifier au mieux les situations de scolarisation que peut rencontrer le personnel de l’école en essayant tout d’abord de définir des profils d’élèves non pas en fonction de caractéristiques médicales, mais en fonction des perceptions et des ressentis que peuvent avoir les enseignants, dans le but d’apporter des savoir-faire et des ressources.

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